Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The true Reason for Christmas

Although I love decorating and the beautiful lights.  What I love most about Christmas is the true reason for it.

God sent his son to be the savior of the world.  Born of a virgin he was sent here for one reason and only one reason.  To save US (all of us) from our own sinful ways.  We aren't worthy of such a sacrifice but he did it, BECAUSE HE LOVES US.....

Let's not forget the true meaning of Christmas by getting caught up in all the hype.

Tonight, while I was at church, my husband set up our Nativity.  I sure do love that man of mine....


Wanda Headrick said...

Why wasn't Tony at Church?? Just askin.....

Unknown said...

On Wednesday nights I help out with AWANA (kids). He uses the time to get caught up around the house/work/whatever he needs to because we are gone every other night during the week usually.